What things do babies learn in the womb?

In today’s topic, we will talk about What things do babies learn in the womb? Maybe some new moms do not know about this but yes babies start learning in the womb so try to adopt positive thinking and live in a positive environment.

What things do babies learn in the womb?

The Sound of Your Voice

Your baby’s hearing develops around 24 weeks in the womb, and the first sound he learns is your voice. A well-known study made clear that newborns recognize their mother’s voice. Researchers used an arranged pacifier to show that newborns were drawn more to hear a recording of their mother’s voice compared to a recording of a stranger’s voice. Experts believe this learning helps your baby bond with you.


In the womb your baby not only learns the sound of your voice, he also learns to identify the language you speak. Newborns can tell the difference between their mothers’ language and foreign ones, and even cry in the accent of their mothers’ native tongue!
In a study examining language learning in utero, researchers directed mothers to play a recording containing music and specific made-up words. When the babies were born, they recognized the made-up words—an effect strengthened by the number of times they heard the recording.

Your Favorite Flavors & Other Lessons about Food

When you eat while you’re pregnant, the flavors of your food enter the amniotic fluid your baby swallows. Several studies show that when starting solids, babies prefer flavors they learned in the womb.
A mother’s diet during pregnancy can have long-term effects on her baby’s health. Researchers looked at adults who were born after the “Dutch Hunger Winter,” a period of famine during World War II. Those whose mothers were not able to eat enough during the beginning of pregnancy were born with altered genes that made them more susceptible to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Emotional Lessons

Remarkably, research examining children born to mothers who witnessed the 9/11 attacks first-hand while pregnant found that the mothers who developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) gave birth to children wired to be more prone to developing PTSD themselves. This suggests that fetuses may learn from high amounts of maternal stress that the world is not safe and that they need to be on guard.
Although more research is needed, other studies also suggest links between pregnant mothers’ emotions and their children’s mental health. One study found that expectant mothers with significant depression gave birth to babies with altered brain structures.

Author: bizinfol

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