If you are facing diabetes during your pregnancy, that does not mean you think your good news is bad. Glucose is important for you and your baby but only within limits. Glucose levels increase in your blood, which is called diabetes. What are the diet tips for diabetes pregnant women?
Please connect with your doctor all the time to discuss things if you do not know anything.
Here are some diet tips for diabetes pregnant women;
1. Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks per day
A healthy diet is also important in pregnancy. you can eat a balanced diet without sugar. Eat only in small portions. After a meal walking for 2 to 3 minutes is good for you.

2.One small cup of milk
Milk is good for health because it has a source of calcium. Only use one small cup of milk at one time. If you increase the quantity of milk, it is the cause of the increase in blood sugar.
3.A small portion of fruits at a one time
You can eat 1 cup of mixed fruit at one time. Quantity matters in your case you cannot eat as much as you want, because fruits have natural sugar and sugar is not good for your health.
4.Starchy food
You can use starchy food but with limits. A reasonable serving size is about 1 cup of cooked rice, grains, or two pieces of bread, per meal.
5. Eat more fiber
You can try whole-grain bread, brown rice, whole oats, barley, wild rice, and all the other whole grains food. Including split peas, lentils, and any type of beans. This type of food is high in fiber and helps to keep your blood sugar level lower than when you eat refined grains such as white bread or white rice.
6. breakfast is necessary
Do not skip your breakfast, whole grain and protein are best if you use fruits.
Diabetes is difficult to control in the morning because that is when pregnancy hormones are very strong.
7. strictly avoid sweet dishes
Cake, cookies, ice cream, and candies full of sugar you cannot eat these things because they are low in nutrition and high in sugar.
8. avoid sugar
Do not add any type of your sugar to your food like honey, dates syrup, or any syrup. These things quickly increase the sugar level in your blood.
9. Don’t use fruit juice and sugar drinks
The juice raises your sugar level very quickly because it is liquid and it digests very fast. Avoid sodas and normal soft drinks. Use sugar-free drinks or diet drinks.
10. Artificial sweetener is safe in your pregnancy
If you want to add sugar to your drinks, use an artificial sweetener like stevia and those type of others you find on market.
In this paragraph, I explained the diabetes pregnant women’s diet use. Diabetic patients cannot use sugar and this type of food. I share my knowledge but every woman not only has diabetes, they have some other issues like high blood pressure also, in that situation only contact your doctor and follow the doctor’s instructions.
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