What are Premature Birth And Its levels?


Premature birth is a very dangerous issue and many women face this problem during their pregnancies. today we will discuss what is premature birth and its levels. 


In simple words, the baby delivers before the due date or delivery before 40 weeks. 

How common is premature birth? 

1 in 10 babies is premature in the united states, and this rate is increasing the third-world countries. 

Levels of premature birth 

Preterm birth falls into four levels; 

  • Late premature birth 

In this babies are born between 34 to 36 weeks, and in this situation, babies are mostly normal and out of danger without any exceptional cases. 

  • Moderately premature birth 

In this baby born between 32 to 34 weeks. In this case, chances are higher for the baby and mom out of danger after observation and all things without any exceptional case. 

  • Very premature birth 

In this baby is born before 34 weeks. In this case, the higher chances are the baby and mom are both in danger situation. Causes of death increase at this level. But the chances are also that the baby and mother will be alive after medical treatment. 

  • Extremely premature birth 

In this case, a baby is born at 25 weeks. It is really very hard to survive on the baby as well as the mother is also in a dangerous situation. stillbirth is common in this case. 


In the last prevention is better than cure. Eat healthily, stay healthy, and most important stress is a slow poison for any human being.  

As per my knowledge, I write about the four levels of preterm. It is only for information about premature levels. 

Contact your doctor if you feel any cramps or any unusual things you feel must visit your doctor.

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Author: bizinfol

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