Dos And Don’ts Of The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

The second stage of pregnancy is easy if we compare it to the first and third stages. This is the special time of your pregnancy when you can start feeling nice about being pregnant.  It is started at about 13 weeks and ends at 27 weeks. Knowing about the dos and don’ts of the second trimester is helpful for you.

It is important to know what is happening inside you and how is your little one growing inside you. I have tried to talk about many interesting things about your baby and very small problems about your body that maybe you feel or maybe not. The baby is growing and developing rapidly inside you in this stage. 

things should do in the second stage of pregnancy

10 things to do in the 2nd stage of pregnancy; 

  1.  Visit a doctor 
  1. Use your vitamins 
  1. Flu vaccine 
  1. Balance diet 
  1. Small but frequent meal 
  1. Visit a dentist 
  1. Physically active 
  1. Take rest 
  1. Use stretch marks oil 
  1. Screening tests 

Visit a doctor 

       Normally you visit your doctor after four weeks or one month but if you feel your constipation is swearing or you feel some other things like swellings on your hand and feet. 

In the second stage of pregnancy is normally started back pain but if you feel it’s not normal visit your doctor.  

Use your vitamins 

    you must use vitamins as prescribed by your doctor. Normally doctor gives you iron, 

 Vitamin D, and folic acid but if your body needs some more the doctor will give you according to your body’s needs. 

Flu vaccine 

   In the second stage of pregnancy, your doctor will prescribe a flu vaccine so be sure you are vaccinated. Because it’s good for you and your little one.  

Balance diet 

   A balanced diet is very important for good health for everybody but in the pregnancy, it is the most important and necessary thing. 

   Include all types of food in your meal, and make sure you will eat healthy and clean. Add protein, calcium, iron, etc. 


It is really for the fetus growth, use all type of meats, like fish and other. 


It is important for baby bones. 


everybody wants to live healthy including iron in their diet. Iron is very important to help carry oxygen to your baby. 

Small but frequently   

In the second trimester may you face constipation and heartburn. Try to eat a small amount of meal and drink a lot of drink. 

 Visit dentist 

 If you face any problems before pregnancy or not go to your dentist. because baby uses your storage of calcium so maybe you face some problems with your teeth and it is normal but visit your doctor and get more information and also use the medicine if the doctor will prefer you. 

Physically active 

Try to be physically active because it is good for your health and your stress also. Do some yoga and light exercises in your daily life but avoid heavy weight lifted exercises. So, the safest type of exercise during pregnancy is good for you.  

Take rest  

During pregnancy, it is most important to sleep properly and in good posture, sleep on the right side is good for you. Uses extra pillows on the sides and between the legs if you are comfortable. take rest when you feel tired.

Use Stretch marks oil 

   In this situation, your skin is stretching quickly cause of Stretch marks. Keep moisturizing your skin and use some oil and creams for Stretch marks. 

Screening tests 

Ultrasound at 20 weeks of pregnancy is very important in this ultrasound the doctor will examine the placenta, the fetal anatomy, growth rate and activity of the baby, and blood circulation. you know about the dos and don’ts of the second trimester is helpful for you.

10 things not to do in the 2nd stage; 

things no do in second stage of pregnancy
  1.      Don’t wear heels 
  1.      not use extra medicine without consulting a doctor 
  1.      Don’t carry weight  
  1.      not use tight clothes 
  1.      avoid stress  
  1.      Don’t smoke  
  1.      not use alcohol 
  1.      Don’t take caffeine 
  1.      not play a dangerous game 
  1. avoid extra thinking

Don’t wear heels 

   It is dangerous for you. Don’t wear heels during the pregnancy because it is dangerous for your body and also for the baby.    

Not use extra medicine without consulting a doctor 

        Using extra medicine is also not good for you and your baby. Please consult your doctor if you want to take any medicine. 

Don’t take carry weight 

      During the second stage, your baby is growing and your belly is prominent if you carry the weight, it is not good for your health condition. 

Not use tight clothes 

     Use comfortable clothes, don’t wear tight clothes also see the stuff don’t use rough stuff in the pregnancy your skin also facing some other problems in the second stage. 

Avoid stress  

       Stress is not good for any human. But in the pregnancy, it is not only good it is dangerous for you. Please avoid stressful things and stay positive and calm. 

Don’t smoke  

  Smoking is also not a good thing for anybody. But in pregnancy, it is dangerous for your health. Avoid smoking if you do before pregnancy. 

Not use alcohol  

      Alcohol is not good for the pregnant lady. Please avoid alcohol. 

Don’t use caffeine 

   It is not good for your health. Don’t use caffeine during pregnancy it is also dangerous for your baby.

Don’t play dangerous games 

      Play games but don’t play dangerous games during pregnancy. Because it is not good for your baby. 

Don’t think extra 

     Do not think about extra things. During the pregnancy good if you do some creative things. 

 Conclusion ;

 I discuss 10 things to do during the pregnancy, as well as 10, don’t things during the pregnancy. I hope it is helpful for you if you have your first pregnancy. 

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Author: bizinfol

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