Healthy Activities For 1.5 to 2 year Toddlers

Playing helps to improve confidence, it builds a relationship. It improves mental (cognitive), emotional, social, and physical well-being. today we will discuss healthy activities for 1.5 to 2-year toddlers.

Following are some plays for children aged above 1.5. 

Sorting of toys 

It makes the child busy to search and then sort his toys, also it makes him understand the sense of arranging and organizing stuff. it includes healthy activities for toddlers.


Counting on fingers and toes is an interesting and useful play for your child, he learns to count and recognizes the number of his fingers and toes. 


Ask your child to fetch for stuff, his toys, or some other stuff, he will recognize and learn the names of different things while fetching and then bringing them to you. 


Ride a tricycle or a push car, not all babies can ride a car or tricycle before their second birthday but a few can. 

Pretend to be Animals 

It will be interesting for your child if you pretend to be any animal and act like it, your child will love it. 


MakeMaking them correctly can also be a play if you put stuff somewhere and make a track towards it, ask your child to get over there by following the track properly. 

2 year old growth milestones

Playing with toys 

Play with toys but don’t leave your child alone and don’t buy toys that are above their age, it can be harmful. 

healthy activities baby play with toys

Such games play an important role in the character building of a child and his mental growth too, children will learn what you will do. 

A child is like a blank paper you can write whatever you want. 

Never let your child fall prey to TV shows and especially mobile phones, it stops the learning and hits the growth of your child, and it increases anger in toddlers.

if you want to more about this topic; link 1

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Author: bizinfol

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