Growth and development 4 to 6 months babies 

At this age, the left side of the brain is talking with the right side of the brain. Most babies sit without any support at the age of six months. today we will discuss the growth and development of 4 to 6 months babies.

   Development Milestone  

 The doctor normally checks the weight, height, and head size when we go for babies’ vaccination. 

  Physical development and growth in the age of 4-6 months old 

All babies may grow at a different rate, but the following indicates the average for boys and girls at the age of 4 to 6 months old. 

    Weight; average gain of 1 to 1 ¼ pound each month, by the 4 to 6 months double the birth weight. 

     Height; average growth of ½ to 1 inch each month. 

     Head size; average growth is about ½ inches each month. 

What can a baby do at this age? 

  • Babies sleep at night for five to six hours normally. 
  • Balance head well 
  • Sit without support 
  • Moves object from one hand to another hand 
  • Try to follow objects  
  • Naps two to three times a day 
  •  Makes swim motions with arms and legs when placed on the abdomen 
  • Able to see at long distance 
  • Try to crawl  
  •  In some babies, a teething sign also shows during this age 

My Baby see at the age of 4 to 6 months 

At this age, babies enjoy different patterns and colors. May you see your baby play with one of his favorite toys most of the time. 

 At this age, you will grab your baby’s attention quickly if you show something new. 

 Shows the different pictures your baby will enjoy and try to reach out. 

From my own experience, my baby loves to see how I cook and dish washes. He was happy and laughed when I start the vacuum cleaner. 

What can my baby hear and understand at this age? 

  •   Babies recognize their parent’s and other family members’ voices 
  •   May recognize his/her name 
  •  Most common may your baby understand the word “no” 
  • Baby can hear all the voices and, may recognize the happy and angry moods of the others 

How I can help my baby’s growth and security 

  • look at your baby with a smile
  • Play with your baby  
  • If your baby cries, hold your baby and feel secure 
  • Talk with your baby at the time of feeding, bath time, and also changing a diaper. 
  • Try to avoid hard toys use stuffed toys when your baby plays alone 
  • Meeting with other parents and children 
  • Play baby rhymes and dance with your baby 
  • Cuddle with your baby when he/she wants 


In this paragraph, I was explaining the important points of growth and development of the baby at the age of 4 to 6 months. I hope it is helpful for your motherhood and parenting journey. 

Please give me feedback in the comment box. 

if you want to more about this topic; link 1

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Author: bizinfol

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