Babies Teething Signs And Some Important Points

When the child starts to grow teeth for the first time through a baby’s gums. It is considered a frustrating time for the child as well as for parents. so today we will talk about babies teething.

A few babies are born with teeth while the others start to grow teeth at the age of 4 months, and some grow after a year. But mostly grow within 6 months.  

Babies teething signs and symptoms

Teething is painful but there’s no need to consult a doctor unless your baby has diarrhea, vomiting, rashes, or eating difficulty, and it does not stop. 

All babies show different signs during teething, following are the most common signs and symptoms any baby may show: 

  • Crying. 
  • Gnawing or wanting to chew hard stuff. 
  • Rubbing their cheek or pulling ears. 
  • Changing the sleeping routines. 
  • Fever and cough. 
  • Sore and red gums. 
  • Eats less than usual. 
  • Drooling. 

Babies teething some important points

  • To provide clean and safe chewable to your child. 
  • Do wash your child’s gums. 
  • You provide your child to suck sugar-free rusk. 
  • Do gently rub your child’s gum. 
  • Apply honey to your child’s gum with your fingers. 
  • Freeze some carrots and other things your baby like and give them it helps to reduce the pain. 
  • Take care and give water and juices from time to time because babies suffer from diarrhea. 
  • Clean all the places your baby use. 
  • Do not give any medicines without a doctor’s consult. 
  • Do not offer any type of teething necklace. 

Facts about teething

  • Most babies grow teeth from 6 to 12 months. 
  • To prevent tooth decay, fluoride should be added to your child’s diet at the age of 6 months. 
  • Often massing their gums relieves pain. 
  • Fluoride kinds of toothpaste should be used twice a day when your child turns 3. 
  • Never use teething tablets or gels. 
  • Appoint a dental, whenever the first teeth appear. 
  • Leaving your child with a bottle of juice or milk on the bed can cause teeth to decay. 

My experience as a mother  

When I research this topic and I read about different things some people say baby teething start at the age of four months some say at the age of five months but my experience is different I will describe the things in bullet form 

  • My baby starts teething at the age of nine months  
  • He completes all 2o teeth in four months 
  • At the age of 13 months, he completes his teething journey  
  • He faces a lot of disturbance as well 
  • Appearance two or three teeth at a time  
  • He faces a lot of crankiness and high fever mostly at nights 
  • Not eat well because of pain 
  • Vomiting some time but he does not face diarrhea 
  • I gave liquid forms of food like soup and porridge  
  • First, I do not give any type of medicine but when a fever starts, I gave medicine with the advice of the doctor. 

I just show my experience because new moms become concerned when their baby starts teething and all the type of things but don’t worry everybody has a different journey.  

In last, your concerns as a mother are valuable, stay strong and positive and connect with your child’s doctor. Motherhood is beautiful but it is not an easy job. Enjoy all the movements with your baby and family.  If your baby facing teething, and you read this believe me you are a good mother or father. 

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Author: bizinfol

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