“Amazing facts about pregnancy stages”

                The whole pregnancy period is about 40 weeks. Medical is divided into three stages 0r trimesters. The first trimester is 0 to 13 weeks, the second trimester is 14 to 27 weeks, and the third last trimester is 28 to 40 weeks. All stages are like three months.  now you know some amazing facts about pregnancy stages.

what are the stages of pregnancy?
stages of pregnancy

First Trimester (0 to 13 Weeks) 

             Most people think the first trimester is the critical stage because in this period mostly miscarriages and birth defects occur.  

    In the first trimester you feel different may you feel sleepy, sometimes feel anger and suddenly you feel happiness. In the first stage, hormones are changed, many women feel nausea, breast tenderness, and light temperature, and fatigue. But opposites some women feel more energetic, but every woman’s experience is different. 

Second Trimester (14 to27 Weeks) 

              In the second stage normally, people say the “Golden period”. Because in this time the symptoms of the first trimester are disappeared and most women feel normal. In this trimester you feel some different and new effects like back pain, and constipation, and you may feel your baby’s first movement. 

 Mothers are mostly attached to their babies during this time because in the first stage you do not feel your baby only feel symptoms of pregnancy. Women enjoy this time and mostly ignore the unpleasant things because they only think about the baby’s health. 

Third Trimester (28 to 40 Weeks) 

                In the third stage, you are very near to your delivery.  At that time baby’s bomb is so prominent.  The physical symptoms are urinary incontinence, sleeping problems, and heavy breath. At this time, you may need help because the delivery time is so near.   

     Some women are feeling the stress of delivery but stay calm and think positive things are good for you and their baby.  

                  In the third trimester, your baby grows fast and starts to change position to get ready for the birth.  your baby weight is almost 2.5 pounds to 3 pounds so that’s why you also feel eating issues and heaviness. 


   In this paragraph, I explain the stages of pregnancy first trimester 0 to 13 weeks. The second trimester 14to27 weeks and the third trimester is 28 to 40weeks. I explain some common symptoms you feel in these trimesters one of the most common symptoms in all three is urinary incontinence.   

you want to read more about that; link 1

another one may you want to read; link 2

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Author: bizinfol

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