Comprehensive Guide to Health Challenges: Exploring Causes, Solutions, and Empowerment

Common & Dangerous Health issues from Cold to Heart Disease.

When we talk about common and dangerous health issues. Unnatural diet and climate change are on top reason for constantly lead to the chance of getting sick and lousy health. Researchers indicate that obesity (source) and the use of Tobacco (source) also increase the chance of health issues. Lets navigate health challenges from (common colds to heart disease) (source).


Diabetes is said to be the one of biggest serious health concern nowadays. In this situation high or very low levels of sugar in the blood. It is a group of common endocrine diseases. The reason for Diabetes is either if the pancreas is not producing the correct amount of insulin or the body are not responding properly to the insulin produced by the pancreas.

Respiratory diseases 

The main causes of this disease is industrial pollution, smoking and tobacco. which sometimes lead to lung cancer or maybe worse, these lung diseases are often fatal or may lead to a very critical condition. 


the main cause of this disease is stress and low energy. Headaches can lead to migraines and can result in insomnia (lack of sleep) which is injurious to health.

Nowadays it is a prevalent health issue in age groups. 


the causes of this disease are some disturbance in the body, maybe caused by some food intake or any germ entering the body, it results in dehydration and low energy, and it can also cause constipation. The symptoms of Diarrhea can vary from person to person. 


The causes of this disease are changes in weather or some germs entered in the body from water or air. in this occur body pain, headaches, and fever.

High Blood Pressure 

In this disease medical condition increases the speed of blood flow in the body, which can be fatal sometimes.

Another blood-related medical condition is Hypotension, which slows the blood flow in the body this much that people faint due to low energy and low heartbeat. 


It is the unnecessary and abnormal growth of cells inside any specific organ, these cells group up and result in tumors, and then these tumors cause cancer in that specific organ of an individual. The major factors of cancer are gene history, atmosphere, and environmental factors. 


It is a lack of energy and appetite for participating in cognitive activities. It causes unusual headaches, disturbance, and low levels of energy. 


this disease affects the bones and joints of an individual. common in people aged 50 – 65, it causes stiffness and pain in the joints of old people. sometimes young adults are also victimized by such diseases. 


Alzheimer’s disease 

It is the disease that makes a person lose his mind. the most common factor of Alzheimer’s is the problem of remembering recent events. Most victims of Alzheimer’s are old people, they cannot remember if they ate, or they showered. 

Kidney Disease 

If one does not consume enough amount of clean water. The chance of being affected by kidney diseases increases. If one consumes less and unclean water, he can have a stone in the kidney or bladder. 

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) 

It causes constant mood swings, pain in the back and tummy, sore eyes, sadness, and suicidal thoughts. It happens before the menstruation cycle and its severity varies from person to person.  


it is a most common health issue which victimizes all age groups. It is generally caused by the habit of over-eating. Sometimes caused by some medicines taken, which causes abnormality in the functionality of the body. 

Dengue Fever 

The specific type of “Aedes mosquito” bite can cause dengue fever. This mosquito is produced in clean water. The person gets a quick fever, pain in the body, and low immunity as it causes the person to lose white and red blood cells which can be fatal. 


It is caused when an individual is not provided with the proper amount of food while growing up or before even being born. It causes a lack of growth or results in the growth of any specific organ like unusual growth of teeth or tummy. 


Tuberculosis (TB) is an illness that causes damage to the lungs and respiratory process. highly maintains hygiene because it can be spread through sneezing


in this article, we talk about the most common but dangerous diseases. if you want to the prevention of these just correct your eating habits like eating healthy. include exercise and walking in your daily life.

Author: bizinfol

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