Growth Of The 3-Year-Old Toddler 

Every toddler is different like every human being please don’t compare one child to another. Doctors use certain milestones to tell if your child is growing as expected. Growth of the 3 year old is very important. The premature toddler may reach later certain milestones but it’s normal. Connect with the doctor. 

Physical growth of my baby at this age   

   All babies’ growth is different.  At the age of 3 years, most toddlers become slimmer. 

The following indicators are average for the boys and girls; 

Weight; average gain of weight is 4 to 6 pounds per year. 

Height; average height is 2 to 3 years per year. 

The toddlers come in all shapes and sizes and a healthy toddler continues to grow. If the child is maintaining his/her rate of growth there should be no reason to worry. 

Helping kids to grow 

  •  Give good nutrition 
  • Plenty of sleep 
  • Physical active 
  • Try to give all types of food 

What can my 3-year-old do at this age? 

  • Sleep 12 to 13 hours at night  
  • Maybe one nap in the afternoon 
  • Wash and dry hands  
  • Dress and undress on his own without buttons 
  • Runs and jumps easily  
  • Walks upstairs without a guide 
  • Ride a tricycle  
  • Visible all primary teeth 
  • Use spoon well and feed itself 
  • Can stand on tip toes 
  • Vision is near 20/20 
  • Can use washroom 

What can my baby say and understand at this age? 

  •  Some animals name  
  • Colors names 
  • Understand past tense  
  • May remember a special event  
  • 3 to 4 words sentences 
  • Understand the big and small sizes of things 
  • Understand prepositions 
  • Ask why  
  • Solve small problems 
  • Say thank you and sorry  
  • Understand your emotions and also speak tone 

How do my 3 years interact with others? 

play with other children, 3 year baby growth
  • Like playing with other children’s 
  • Shares things with other 
  •  Shows feeling especially with parents 
  • Temper tantrums are less 

Shows like and dislike easily  

Parents support tips 

  • Play with your kid 
  • Talk with your children 
  • Allow sharing of all types of things and then clear what is bad and what is good 
  • Encourage your child with play other children’s 
  • Don’t compare your child with others 
  • Make your relationship like friends  
  • Plan family trips when you have a time 
  • Sing songs and poems with your children 
  • Tell your child how to deal with things  
  • Tell your child how to treat others  
  • Play with clay with your child 
  • Shares stories with your child 
  • Share your success  


   In this paragraph, I explain about growth and development of 3-year-old children. I hope it will helpful for parents.

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Author: bizinfol

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