The Physical Difficulties in the third trimester;

    A mother faces third-trimester physical difficulties such as shortness of breath and heartburn etc. the third trimester of pregnancy starts about the 7th month of pregnancy and ends in the 9th month and the delivery of the baby. It is the last trimester of your pregnancy and it is a difficult time for any woman. 

some points describes physical changes in third trimester

  •         Breathing issue  
  •        Sleep issues 
  •         Heartburn 
  •         Body pain 
  •         Swelling 
  •        constipation 
  •       Braxton Hicks/ false labor pain  
  •        Labor pain

breathing issues

       The most common physical difficulty is breathing issues. Shortness of breath is common and all women face this problem in the third trimester.  Walk-in Park is very helpful in this situation and Drink a lot of water because it also helps you.

sleep issues

third trimester physical difficulty is sleep issues

       In the third trimester, you cannot sleep. Your baby bump is big so that’s why you are not sleeping freely. Use pillows on the sides, it helps you. 


       Heartburn is also a physical difficulty you face in the third trimester. Eat a small portion of the meal. Try for a walk after any meal. 

Body pain 

         The most common you feel body pain, especially in the back and legs. You feel tired in this trimester but it also depends on your health. some women do not feel anything even though they are enjoying it. 


     In the third trimester, most pregnant ladies face swelling on the hands and feet. Visit your doctor and discuss this with them. 



Constipation is the most common issue that every woman faces in their pregnancy. Drinking a lot of water is helpful in this situation. Avoid oily things use vegetables and fruits. 

Braxton hicks/false labor pain 

     Braxton hicks are also known as false labor pain. It is like labor pain but these pains are preparing you for true labor pain. Don’t panic and take a warm water bath.  

Labor pain  

       The true labor pain signs it’s strong and painful  You can’t even talk in labor pain. 

so here, I am showing the difference between the true labor and false labor, I hope you can understand very well;

difference between true and false labor pain


      so, in this article, I was talking about the physical symptoms of the third trimester. I Also explained about Braxton’s hicks/false labor pain 

 I hope you will like this please write in the comment box.

if you want to read more about this; link 1

Another one about second-trimester physical changes; link 2

Author: bizinfol

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